Welcome to City Center Chiropractic
At City Center Chiropractic our team understands that your main priority as a patient is relief care to get out of pain. Although common, pain is not normal and doesn’t need to be “accepted.” Pain is the body trying to communicate a deeper, underlying issue. The doctors at City Center Chiropractic make it a priority to correct the root cause of the problem that is causing you pain, helping you get back to your normal self and support you on your journey to true, pain-free health.

About half of all expectant mothers will develop lower-back pain at some point during their pregnancies, especially during late pregnancy – when the baby’s head presses down on a woman’s back, legs, and buttocks, irritating her sciatic nerve. For those who already suffer from lower-back pain, the problem can become even worse.
Why should your children be checked by a chiropractor? A main concern for you as a parent is how to ensure each of your children have the opportunity to become their healthy best. You should be aware of the following: Many studies now show that achieving our best as adults, on physical, mental, social, and occupational levels is in large shaped by the windows of opportunity opened to us during childhood.
Massage therapy does more than make you feel good, it can actually help your body achieve balance and health. Massage therapy offers a natural treatment approach which can relieve musculoskeletal pain for many patients.
Acupuncture is a vital part of traditional Chinese medicine and one of the oldest medical practices in the world. Traditional Chinese medicine dates back over 2,500 years. But in recent times, it has gained popularity in the United States and all over the world as an effective treatment in a myriad of health concerns.